How to Setup a STREAMR Node on VPS (2022) | streamr data node
How to Setup a STREAMR Node on VPS
If you would like to earn passive income with a Crypto node here’s an interesting one. The setup is fast and straight forward. I do recommend using an online VPS server because that means no hardware related problems at home… It’s also cheaper than buying a PC or Mac which would cost at least $200. The VPS server node that I’m using will cost you only around $20 per year!
How to Setup a Streamr Node on VPS (2022) | streamr data node
Best way to add DATA token to your MetaMask Wallet
Please use the following link to add the correct STREAMR (Data token) to your MetaMask wallet on Polygon.
Scroll down until you see “Add DATA to your wallet”.
You don’t have to buy the DATA token before you’ve set up your node. You will also need the node’s wallet address to deposit your tokens in MetaMask.
The maximum DATA token amount per node is 10.000 DATA.
Will I keep my STREAMR (DATA) tokens?
Yes, they are in your MetaMask wallet and will stay there. You can sell some or all of them at any time. Only when you sell all of them your node will stop earning income.
How much is the STREAMR node return?
At the moment (April 2022) you will earn more than 100% per year. This means that the annual cost for the VPS server is recovered after 2 to 3 weeks (April 2022).
VPS Node recommendation
You can set up a node at home or use an online VPS provider like Click on VPS, and then chose the following pretty cheap plan (512 MB RAM – 1 vCore – 15 GB RAID-10 SSD Cached – 500 GB @ 1Gbps – 1 Free IP -$22.99 /year) – You can chose “Ubuntu 18.04 with Docker Preinstalled” or “Ubuntu 20.04” and install docker yourself.
How to Setup a STREAMR Node on VPS – Server Setup Commands
Please find below all the commands that you need to setup a VPS server as a STREAMR Node.
1. Open your Terminal (on Mac) or Putty (on Windows).
2. ssh root@VPS-IP-address
The VPS-IP-address is the address or your VPS server that you just ordered from
# Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
Answer “yes”
# root@VPS-IP-address’s password:
Click on the little key icon and paste your root password (that you got from your VPS provider)
You will not see your password but hit “enter” anyway.
3. Install docker commands
Copy and paste the following commands into terminal
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
4. Install STREAMR commands
mkdir ~/.streamrDocker
docker run -it -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:latest bin/config-wizard
After a while you’ll see “? Do you want to generate a new Ethereum private key or import an existing one?”
Chose “Generate” and hit “enter”
Next option enter “y”
Then you’ll see ” ? Select the plugins to enable (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
❯◯ websocket
◯ mqtt
◯ publishHttp”
Mark “websocket” and “publishHttp”, then hit “enter”
Just hit enter for two following “port” prompts.
Now “? Do you want to participate in mining and staking? (Y/n)” – enter “Y”.
Hit “enter” when asked about the “path”.
Copy your node’s private key, Network Explorer address and “your node’s generated name” somewhere safe!
Now enter the following
docker run -it -p 7170:7170 -p 7171:7171 -p 1883:1883 -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:latest
Now you have to “Import Account” into e.g. MetaMask – use the above mentioned private key for it.
Add “DATA” (see above) – and transfer up to 10.000 DATA to your wallet.
Please watch the video above for the MetaMask setup.
How to find your STREAMR Node Rewards
Click on the following link and connect with your MetaMask wallet on Polygon.
Click on the icons on top to find Network Charts, your Node, Streams and your Profile.
(How to Setup a STREAMR Node)
STREAMR Node Network Explorer
To find your node on a world map just enter the name or wallet address into this map. You’ll get the name and address during the STREAMR node installation.
(How to Setup a STREAMR Node on VPS)
Streamr is a distributed open-source software project with contributors in a range of timezones from Boston to Wrocław, Helsinki, Zug, London and Melbourne.
The Streamr Network is a decentralized, topic-based publish-subscribe system. Each stream or pub-sub topic has its own peer-to-peer overlay network that is built and maintained by a set of BitTorrent-like trackers. Development is still in progress, with Brubeck as the current milestone.
The Streamr network opens up a world of innovation by connecting unstoppable pub/sub real-time data transport to the ecosystem of decentralized applications.
The Network can operate as a free and open data network, but it also provides incentives for users to run paid nodes to provide higher levels of service, and allows token holders to earn yield by staking on nodes to share in their earnings.
Running a Broker Node alone in the Brubeck Mainnet does not guarantee you qualify for rewards. Unlike the testnets—where it was enough to just show up— the rewards are now based on how many DATA tokens you have staked on your node address. When your Broker Node observes a reward code, it reports it to our Rewards Backend. We are aware of the amount of DATA tokens on the address of the node in the Polygon Blockchain. From this, we are then able to determine your share of the rewards.
You may choose to stake between 0 and 10,000 DATA tokens on your node address. You can, of course, have more DATA on your node address than that, but reward calculation will cap it to 10,000. For example, 30,000 DATA on address A1 will get rewards as if there were 10,000 DATA staked. In order to get the benefits from 30,000 DATA, you need to have three nodes running that each have 10,000 DATA staked.
At launch, staking is possible only on the Polygon Mainnet. If you have DATA token holdings on the Ethereum Mainnet, Gnosis Chain (xDai), or Binance Smart Chain—you need to move them to the Polygon Mainnet, to the address of your Broker Node or Broker Nodes. Only DATA can be used for staking. The stake needs to remain on the node’s address; if you take it out, the node will not accumulate rewards any more. Any rewards already claimed will not be affected.
Earned rewards will be automatically sent to the node’s address. The estimated payout date is the first business day of each month.
Payouts cost gas. At the moment, the transaction prices in Polygon are small, so this is not an issue. Small gas costs are covered by reserving a tiny margin of the max inflation rate to cover gas, and distributing the rest as rewards. If gas costs become significant in the future, we might switch to a ‘payout on request’ model where the Broker Node runner can request a payout as often as they feel like it, and pay gas.
(This is a copy from this article!)
How to join the Brubeck testnet
Useful STREAMR DATA NODE commands
Monitor the nodes
“docker ps” -> list containers. That’s how you find the [CONTAINER ID].
“docker logs [CONTAINER ID]” to see the logs of one container
“docker stop [CONTAINER ID]” to stop the container
Update the STREAMR DATA node:
docker stop streamr && docker rm streamr
docker pull streamr/broker-node:testnet
docker create --name streamr --restart=always -p 7170:7170 -p 7171:7171 -p 1883:1883 -v $(cd $HOME/.streamrDocker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:testnet
docker start streamr
docker logs streamr -f --tail=50
Streamr – Setup Guide from Nodes Guru
A short overview of all important commands to set up a STREAMR Node:
Your STREAMR node stops running all the time? Here’s the solution:
The video shows some great suggestions about that to do when your STREAMR node stops to work frequently.
It looks like the following Terminal command line is the best for keeping your STREAMR node up and running all the time:
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -it -p 7170:7170 -p 7171:7171 -p 1883:1883 -v $(cd ~/.streamrDocker; pwd):/root/.streamr streamr/broker-node:latest
It works very well for my nodes.
This is obviously no investment advice. DYOR = Do Your Own Research!
(How to Setup a STREAMR Node on VPS)