
The New York Film Commission

New York is a very filmmaker friendly state. On their website they announce “there’s almost nothing you can’t capture on film or video in our state.

That sounds pretty promising…

And so you’ll find many useful links on – e.g. for locations, production companies, permits and so on.

Permits are only required when you will use “exclusive use of City property.”:

Permit Required:
$300 application fee applies.
Permit Not Required:
$300 permit fee does
NOT apply.
Optional Permit:
$300 permit fee does
NOT apply.
– Equipment or vehicles are used or the person filming asserts exclusive use of City property.

– Insurance is required for this

– Hand-held cameras or tripods are used and the person filming does
not assert exclusive use
of City property.
– Handheld equipment only. Permit does not include special parking privileges.

– Insurance is not required for this permit.

You’ll find insurance requirements: here! 


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